Twitter election poetry in 140 characters or less? It's not
just a fantasy anymore.
Elinor Lipman's
Tweet Land of Liberty is a collection of
the first 200 of what would become 500 election-related poems tweeted daily for
the past year and a half. Witty, wise and sometimes acidic, the poems Lipman
tweeted let us start each campaign day with a smile. Here's one of my favorites,
and a prescient one at that:
Feb. 24
If Romney had his crystal ball
Mighta seen there'd be a fallout:
Use of "bankrupt"--sure to haunt
In 2012 Detroit won't want him.
Tweet Land of Liberty is a
wonderful 2012 election memento and a great holiday gift! I can't resist adding
my own rhyme:
The challenge: Each day to rehearse
A quatrain for the
Her campaign rhymes would come to be
A hit! Tweet Land of